By Greg Kotis and Mark Hollmann
Director - Kirk Jameson
Costume Designer - Katie Unwin
The Richard Burton Theatre Company, RWCMD, July 2021
The production of Urinetown was made during the Covid-19 pandemic adhering to social distancing guidelines, heavily affected by track and trace in it’s final stages.
Director - Kirk Jameson
Costume Designer - Katie Unwin
The Richard Burton Theatre Company, RWCMD, July 2021
The production of Urinetown was made during the Covid-19 pandemic adhering to social distancing guidelines, heavily affected by track and trace in it’s final stages.
Model Box
Act 1 Scene 1
Act 1 Scene 2
Act 1 Scene 3
Act 2 Scene 1
Act 2 Scene 3
Act 2 Scene 5
Sketch Up Experiments
Initial Drawings and Thoughts
In a world with very little water, there would be almost no industry - or not as we know it. No jobs and potentially little help from the government either, everything has been privatised in this world.
The toilets would not have been purpose built for this situation as new innovations would require money and time. They would be making use of what already exists even if it is not fit for purpose.
Nothing or almost nothing would be new or purpose built - nothing is waste anymore. Many things have been repurposed or bodged together - except for the offices: they are clean and shiny.
Cleanliness and hygiene are a privilege.