An Enemy of the People

Henrik Ibsen
- A version by Rebecca Lenkiewicz
- A version by Rebecca Lenkiewicz
Director - Simon Reade
Set and Costume - Bethan Wall
Conceptual Project, 2021
Set and Costume - Bethan Wall
Conceptual Project, 2021
Set in Flint, Michigan 2013-15, during the time that the devastating water crisis began. In deciding to place the story here I was aware that I needed to research thoroughly to tell the story of the people affected and not use their story to tell ours.
Costume Drawings

- Act 1

- Act 5

- Act 4

- Act 2

- Act 1/2/5

- Act 3/4

Katherine and Greta

- Act 1/4

- Act 3


Model Experiments

Drawings and Notes

In both the play and in my research of Flint, how the people of the towns are spoken about by those in power, changes rapidly and depending on who they are speaking too.
The water tower is the ‘pulsating heart’ that is supplying the pipes and the ‘central nervous system’ of the town, connecting people and buildings to one another.
The pipes underneth the floor should be a map of Flint.